
EnviroLoc+™ is the Eco-Friendly Difference You Can See

When you purchase SYNLawn® Indiana artificial grass, your landscape isn’t the only thing that’s green. SYNLawn artificial turf is green on the top, in the middle, and on the bottom where our brand new EnviroLoc+ lives. Our turf goes a long way toward responsible environmental sustainability. We believe that because we are in an industry that influences our surroundings, it is our duty to ensure that Indiana artificial grass gives back in every way that it can. EnviroLoc+ is our new and improved eco-friendly backing system that reinforces what makes EnviroLoc™ special while introducing new benefits for all of our customers to enjoy.

EnviroLoc+ is designed as a two-part woven backing made from polyester, polyethylene, and locally sourced soybean oil. This multi-layered component “locks in” durable sugar cane turf fibers to extend the life cycle of our products. As a result of our in-house manufacturing process, we are capable of removing a substantial portion of petroleum-based materials with our sustainable resources to ensure that we give back as much to our environment as possible.

EnviroLoc+ Meets Sanitized® Antimicrobial Technology

We took EnviroLoc+ to the next level by introducing the highly effective antimicrobial by Sanitized®. Layering Sanitized® on top of our backing system makes it possible to combat allergies from both algae and fungi by eliminating them from the equation.

Algae thrive in warm and wet environments. Algae cause dead zones by robbing water of its natural oxygen, resulting in unhealthy water that can be harmful to children and pets. Water treatment is particularly costly and difficult in this environment, so we believed it was our duty to find a way to prevent this from happening. The enhanced protection provided by Sanitized® helps to extend the life of the surface while also reducing allergens in the near area.

Fungi continuously float in the air and the last place we need them to end up is in our lungs. It, like pollen and pet dander, is a frequent cause of respiratory allergies. Fungi removal can be expensive and time-consuming, and as a result, EnviroLoc+ with its additional Sanitized® coating is a crucial feature to keep you, your family, and pets safe.

Long-Lasting Plant-Based Lawns Made Possible by SYNLawn®

Only SYNLawn Indiana synthetic grass features the proprietary “green” EnviroLoc+ backing technology, which is made from sustainably cultivated soybeans in the United States. It’s not SYNLawn if the backing isn’t green. Our trademark emblem and a unique certification are stamped on the back to certify our truly unique products.

At SYNLawn Indiana, we value our partners. We proudly work side by side with US soy farmers. They play a large role in how we locally source our plant-based material. We are so happy to support them as well as open up new job opportunities for future farmers that have the same dedication to protecting our home.

Contact Us for a Consultation Today

EnviroLoc+ is one more opportunity for us to further our commitment to a more responsible approach to manufacturing products that are environmentally sustainable. Our achievements are the result of more than 50 years of research and development and listening to our customers to ensure that when they think Indiana artificial grass, they think SYNLawn. For more information on EnviroLoc+ as well as the many ways that SYNLawn can benefit our environment, contact us today to schedule a free consultation!

We Proudly Serve all of Indiana Including but not limited to the following

Southern Indiana

Northern Indiana